I am certified Energy Healing Practitioner
The Emotion Code & Body Code techniques are simple ways to get rid of your emotional baggage helping you feel free, happier and healthier! Because the body is made up of pure energy, the negative energies of trapped emotions can exert a damaging force on the body, which worsens over time. Trapped Emotions cause pain, self-sabotage, emotional problems and all kinds of malfunction and disease.
The Body Code is an advanced healing technique bringing balance in six different ways.
You will be given a “Client Intake Form” which asks for full disclosure of any health information that might impact your treatments (such as pregnancy) or physical limitations (like breathing or extreme pain issues). Heal Mandala cannot be held responsible for any information not disclosed to her regarding current and past medical or emotional conditions.
At any time, you have the right to discontinue services, change consent, or leave. You also have the right to ask any question about your session. Client information and records are treated in a confidential manner. Your experiences during these sessions are confidential subject to the usual exceptions governed by state or federal laws and regulations.
Confidentiality is subject to the following exceptions:
Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code services through Heal Mandala is a complementary therapy and not intended to replace any currently prescribed medical treatments as ordered by your physicians or any other medical care you have or may be advised to seek. Services with Heal Mandala is not medical advice or medical treatment and is not meant to replace medical advice of your doctor. You will be encouraged to consult a licensed medical practitioner for any physical or mental complaints you may have.
While Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code is a gentle, complementary energy-based approach, there may be risks. Most people process the energy released very easily. However, occasionally, there may be some symptoms that come along with processing that you need to be aware of. Usually this is something minor, such as emotional irritability or a little fatigue, but it could end up being something more uncomfortable like headache or nausea. It all depends on what we released, what’s going on with your body at the time, your stress level at the time and many other external factors. You can make the processing period easier by getting extra sleep the night before, drinking a lot of pure water, and avoiding stressful situations. We request you to contact us immediately so that I may help you. All energies released are intended to release gently and peacefully.
All client information and records are treated in a confidential manner. Your experiences during these sessions are confidential subject to the usual exceptions governed by state or federal laws and regulations.
Except in the case of gross negligence or malpractice, you or your representative agrees to fully release and hold harmless from Heal Mandala and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with my session.
All questions have been answered to my satisfaction regarding Heal Mandala
I am a phone-in or remote video client, I understand that when paying for services, I fully consent to the services offered by Heal Mandala
I agree to allow Heal Mandala to send me information via e-mail. I understand that my e-mail address will be kept confidential and will not be given to any other party.
By signing below, I fully consent to use the services offered by Heal Mandala
Let’s book time to chat so I can hear how I can help you on your journey to emotional healing.
Your first consultation is free.